A registered verein, the Elternband e.V. was founded in September 2007. The Elternband is dedicated to encouraging and financially supporting the musical development of children at the Schools in Bietigheim.


All profits from the various gigs and appearances are used to support projects as the need arises.


1. Vorstand: Andrew Renshaw, Emil-Klumpp-Str. 17, 74321 Bietigheim

2. Vorstand: Stefanie Kruse, 74321 Bietigheim

Kassier: Simon Dornstetter, Turmstr. 196, 74321 Bietigheim
Schriftführer: Andreas Weßling, Besigheimer Str. 29/1, 74321 Beitigheim


Registration Number Amtsgericht Besigheim: VR713


If you would like to support the Elternband and the musical development of the School children in Bietigheim, you can do so by becoming a non active member of "Die Elternabnd e.V." Simply contact Jutta Renshaw at the email address shown below;


Please send to either:


Additionally, if you would like to support our cause by way of a donation, without becoming a non active member, please find the relevant account details on page "spenden".

Hier finden Sie uns

Emil-Klumpp-Str. 17
74321 Bietigheim-Bissingen


Rufen Sie einfach an unter


07142 45635 07142 45635


oder nutzen Sie unser Kontaktformular.